Interviews about Earth Science

Interviews about geology, palaeontology, archaeology, atmospheric science, climate, climate change and meteorology...

13 July 2008

Could an Anaconda be the best way to extract power from waves? Possibly not the snake itself, but it's namesake...

29 June 2008

In Soay Sheep, having the biggest horns means you're more likely to breed - but it also means you're less...

15 June 2008

Marie Edmonds studies the gasses being released from volcanoes without having to do the dangerous bit of actually...

15 June 2008

Normally you think of magma as being a runny liquid, but it seems to fracture like a solid, Meera finds out more.

15 June 2008

Although you think of most eruptions being hot and fiery, but a mud volcano is entirely different. It is cold but it...

08 June 2008

Most of us have heard the tales of ancient Greece and the majority of the time we just think of these tales as another...

08 June 2008

These days when searching for ancient remains and hidden treasures you don’t need to have the magical map where X marks...

01 June 2008

Airlines often get a lot of criticism from the green movement for the amount of greenhouse gases they emit. But could...

25 May 2008

When the Phoenix lander arrives on Mars, what can it expect to see? And what processes shaped the face of Mars as we...

27 April 2008

Just what is so special about gemstones? We spoke to Ian Mercer of the Gemological Association...

27 April 2008

How can we be sure that when we buy jewellery it is the real deal? To find out, Meera went to pay a visit to the...

20 April 2008

Solar panels seem to be turning up on rooftops all over the place, but are they really worth using? You may be...

20 April 2008

So how else can we generate electricity at home? Well Elaine Ball is from Baxi Group – and they’ve developed a...

20 April 2008

With Ben and Dave doing the ultimate in water recycling, we sent Meera to find out how to be water wise...

20 April 2008

Is it possible to build houses that produce more energy than they use? ZEDFactory aim to produce developments which are...

13 April 2008

Is the sun responsible for our warming climate? Have we been blaming carbon dioxide, when our own sun is the guilty...

30 March 2008

Could satellite images of the surface of the sea tell us when and where to expect deadly outbreaks of Cholera?

10 February 2008

This week, Mark Peplow comes in to tell us about the moves towards holographic 3D TV, how it could take years to pay...

03 February 2008

The Louisiana wetlands are the largest in the USA and amongst the largest wetlands in the world, playing a vital role...

03 February 2008

despite being expanses of waterlogged land, wetlands actually offer great protection against flooding. So good, in...

03 February 2008

Wetlands are disappearing faster than rainforests, and support a huge number of species as well as offering protection...

20 January 2008

Could the ocean provide a good 'sink' for carbon dioxide? We invited Margaret Leinen, from Climos, and Dr...

20 January 2008

Could we trap carbon in dis-used coal mines? Meera spoke to Prof. Peter Styles about how not only could we lock away...

20 January 2008

Volcanic lava could offer a solution to storing excess carbon - by turning it into rock! We spoke to Dr Pete McGrail,...